Hi and Welcome to my website!

My name is Francesca and my middle name is Selene. I love studying and my thirst of knowledge is inexhaustible! I love bears 🐻 drink coffee ☕️ and eat cookies 🍪. I enjoy my simple country life!

I'm an architect for the conservation of cultural heritage and an hebraist. The Jewish Studies are the main topic of my research.


Everyday I create content related to my studies and I enjoy creating digital printables and handmade items so please visit my online shops.


Come and join me in this beautiful learning adventure!


Love ♥︎


The Jewish Studies are the main topic of my research

Jewish Studies (מדעי היהדות) is an academic discipline centered on the study of Jews and Judaism. Jewish studies is interdisciplinary and combines aspects of history (especially Jewish history), Middle Eastern studies, Asian studies, Oriental studies, ethnic studies, religious studies, archeology, sociology, and languages (Jewish languages and Semitic languages).


Hebrew Square Script

The Hebrew alphabet combines proportion and space to achieve beautiful and timeless letterforms. In this video I guide you through the process of writing the letters of the Square Hebrew Alphabet. Discover the mystery of this fascinating language and preserve an ancient art form. Start training now and have fun!

Download, Print and Practice.

Download all the digital printables. Memorize the stroke order of each letter and practice writing!

  • Remember that the Hebrew language is read and written from right to left.
  • Always respect the stroke order of each letter.


Scrittura Ebraica Quadrata

Nel corso della storia delle civiltà solo il popolo ebraico è stato immune all'analfabetismo dato che l'esigenza di studiare la Torà, obbligo di ogni ebreo, ha permesso a tutte le classi sociali di imparare a leggere e a scrivere. Il primo passo per padroneggiare la lingua ebraica, e per partecipare consapevolmente alla vita spirituale, è quindi l'apprendimento dell'alfabeto.

Esercizi di Lettura e di Scrittura

Ascolta, ripeti e riscrivi i 176 versetti del Salmo 119


Everyday I create content related to my studies and I enjoy creating digital printables and handmade items so please visit my online shops (´꒳`)♡

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